We would like to thank all our faithful donors who made the Oasis Fundraiser a success. $50,000 was raised this year, and all of these funds will go towards supporting the faith-based Hope for Men and Women program.

Tours were a big hit as guests enjoyed experiencing the beautiful new facilities that are now in operation and serving veterans, families, and people experiencing homelessness who have been discharged from the hospital. Reuben, one of our veterans, was gracious enough to allow guests to check out his new apartment in the Hope for Veterans building. Thank you, Reuben. The appetizers were much appreciated by guests as they perused a wonderful silent auction. Thank you, Kerry and Annette, for a great job on the silent auction.

Guests then were seated outside under a big tent where they enjoyed some great barbequed chicken while they listened to our staff talk about their areas of ministry. The highlight of the evening, for me, was the testimonies of individuals who have gone through the Hope for Men and Women program. I am always amazed at how God takes lives that are broken and brings new life, healing, and restoration. That is what the Mission is about, - CHANGED LIVES.

We are extremely grateful for the facilities that God has provided so that we can be about the ministry of bringing in men and women and giving them the hope that only Jesus Christ can give.

Our greatest need at the Mission is to receive your prayers. Pray for our staff as they teach, lead and serve our participants so that God will give them strength as they face challenges. Pray for our participants that God will open their hearts and minds to receive the Good News of Jesus Christ. Pray that God will provide all the funding necessary to establish an even stronger program that will turn men, women, and families to Christ. Pray also that, as we take on the challenge of raising funds for Phase II of the Village of Hope Campus, God will provide the funding. The Mission is a blessing to so many people experiencing homelessness, and you are a blessing to this ministry as you pray and as you give! God bless you for your strong support!

Click here to donate to the Mission’s Hope for Men and Women program.