Annual Oasis Fundraising Event, Supports our Hope for Men and Women

SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2:00 p.m. at our new Village of Hope Campus
129 W. Cone Avenue

(between martin Luther king jr., and g streets)

Tickets are $25
Contact CEO Dr. Bruce Metcalf (209) 480-3899
COO David Carr (209) 354-0559
Please RSVP by Friday, April 29th

We invite you to join us at our new Village of Hope campus for an afternoon chicken barbeque. Prior to the barbeque, we will welcome you to tour portions of the new facilities and participate in a silent auction as appetizers are served. 

This will be a wonderful opportunity for those who attend to see our new facilities, catch a vision of what is coming in phase two, and hear great news about changed lives in our Hope for Men and Women program.

Our fundraising goal for this annual event is $100,000, which will keep our Hope for Men and Women, faith-based, life transformation program going strong throughout the year. Your donations change lives!

This event will also present opportunities to invest in phase two, the Mission’s Building Hope campaign, which will build the faith-based side of our Village of Hope.

2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Appetizers, tours, silent auction

3:00 p.m.
Chicken barbeque
Opportunity to invest in Phase Two, the faith-based side of our Village of Hope campus.