Christmas is a season of giving and receiving. God gave his Son, Jesus Christ, to be our Savior. In accepting Jesus into our lives, we receive the biggest gift imaginable, the gift of eternal life! The Merced Rescue Mission is all about sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, His salvation, and the new life that we can experience as we receive Him.

In a world where darkness, evil, and bad news seem to be so pervasive, we are thrilled to be bearers of Good News! Men and women who have experienced the worst have come through our doors and found not only food and shelter, but acceptance and the love of Jesus which has transformed their lives.

In the past five years, the Mission has expanded from two locations and 30 beds to 24 locations with 250 beds. During this time period, hundreds of men and women, as well as families, have come to receive help. People have come to us after being released from incarceration. People experiencing homelessness have come to us from the streets. People have come to us who are addicted to drugs and alcohol and are often struggling with mental illness issues.

People are coming to the Mission because they have lost all hope. They are depressed and in despair, not knowing where to turn for help. When people come to the Mission, we make it our first priority to love them in the name of Jesus as we provide for their basic needs.

God is using the Mission to help and save people! God is using you to make this all possible! Your prayers and your donations provide the means through which the Mission is able to love people tangibly by supplying food, shelter, caring counselors, training, and classes that prepare people to move forward towards independence and self-sustainability. YOU ARE A GIFT TO US! YOU, OUR DONORS, ARE THE ONES MAKING A DIFFERENCE AND CHANGING LIVES! This is your mission! The people who come to us are your brothers and sisters in Christ! You are giving people an opportunity to turn their lives around and find peace, joy, and fulfillment! What a great adventure we are on together! God bless you for all that you are doing!

November 30th, Giving Tuesday, kicked off a month of year-end giving.

As we approach the end of 2021, we invite you to remember the Merced Rescue Mission in your year-end giving. December donations make up a big percentage of the gifts we receive each year. Please help us reach our goal of $100,000 for December. We pray that you will have a blessed Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.

Give today!