Village of Hope, Phase 1 Update

We are almost there! Construction should be completed the first or second week in December and then we will be moving in furnishings. David Carr, Director of Mission Programs, and Anthony Choza, Operations Manager, will be flying to Tennessee, renting a U-haul, and driving back with a load of beds and wardrobes. A long drive, but a savings of over $3,000 compared to paying for shipping costs. David and Anthony should get back to Merced by December 5th. On the 6th, we hope to start furnishing the facilities. Thanks to generous donors, the lounges are covered. We still need to raise funds to furnish quite a few apartments. It is exciting to see how God is working and to walk through facilities that will soon be occupied by people in need of help. We are hoping that we will be able to occupy the facilities with residents in the beginning of January. The date for a Grand Opening will also be announced, hopefully for a date in January. We will keep you all posted.

To learn more about the Village of Hope campus, phases 1 and 2, click here.