The Merced County Rescue Mission’s Thanksgiving Banquet served 550 people! Thank you to everyone who donated and volunteered to help our friends and neighbors get a delicious meal on Thanksgiving!
Our Christmas Eve Banquet will be held at the same location to serve people who are experiencing homelessness. Join us at 10:30 am to help serve or to visit with people, in the Behavioral Health Dept. parking lot between New Directions and the D Street Shelter (200 E. 15th Street, Merced).
Food donations needed for our Christmas Banquet are hams, #10 cans of corn and green beans, instant mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, and desserts.
Christmas Eve Banquet, December 24th, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., 200 E. 15th Street, Merced
Some clothing and other items will be available at the event.
This year’s Holiday Food Drive has been going great!! Five elementary schools in Merced have been participating. It is great to see children working together to help people who are hungry and in need of food. The Merced Rescue Mission wants to congratulate and thank every school and student who has played such an important role in helping others! We are also grateful to Valley Christian Church of Atwater and Aloha Floral & Gift Shop in Merced for collecting hundreds of boxes of stuffing for our Thanksgiving Banquet. It is wonderful to see people rallying together to share what they have with people who need help! God bless you All!
The Mission’s Holiday Food Drive is happening now through December 24th. All donations are appreciated! Drop off at 644 W. 20th Street in Merced. Food donated is used for our banquets and meals throughout the year.
To learn more about our food drive or our holiday banquets, please click here.