Jeremiah's Story

I was lost without foundation. Hope was a dim light. I had lost everyone in my life that I loved. The giants I was facing were addiction, homelessness, financial bankruptcy, emotional bankruptcy, drug court, divorce court, CPS court, and family court. It forced me to live in my car next to a dumpster in the parking lot of Bear Creek of the Nazarene church. I began attending church sessions where I was referred to Merced Rescue Mission, and I met David Carr. He saw in me something I didn't see in myself at the time. He offered me a bed in the Transitional house, and I accepted it. He was willing to work with me and gave me a chance, so I took it.

Ever since that day, I leaned on the Mission until I could stand on my own. After facing down all my giants, I was re-educated with a new career choice, my family was reunited, my spirit rebuilt, and I strengthened my connection with my Higher Power. I would definitely recommend the Merced Rescue Mission to anyone who can relate to my story.

P.S. As I walk into the sunset, I see only one set of footprints as God carries me away.

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