Jacob's Story

My name is Jacob, and I am a recovering meth-addict. I began using at the age of 16 and have suffered from this addiction for over 20 years. Now, 38 years old, I have been in and out of jail since I began using. It seemed I would never learn my lesson. The last time I was on probation I remember my probation officer telling me he was going to discharge me from probation, even though he knew I had used a month before. He told me, “Jacob, I’m going to let you hang yourself.” I was shocked, but he was right. Six years later, on December 3, 2019, I would be arrested for an attempted car jacking and several other crimes. I already knew I had one strike on my record. At my court date I was notified by my public defender that I was facing a life sentence and that they were trying to strike me out. I fought my case for eight months believing I was going to prison for the rest of my life. God blessed me when I was told that they had made a mistake on my case. I was released from prison on March 29, 2021. Since then I have learned to have people as an important part of my accountability team. I entered the Merced County Navigation Center operated by the Merced Rescue Mission and there I met staff members who had been in a similar position to mine. I am very thankful for the Navigation Center and the staff. Without their influence I would not have made important changes in my life and made significant progress. I was reluctant to leave the Navigation Center, but I was encouraged to take a spot in the Rescue Mission’s Transition to Hope (Sober Living) house where a bed had opened up. After two months of residing in the Transition to Hope house, my Service Coordinator (Case Manager), Warren, encouraged me to apply for a resident advisor position. I am now a resident advisor, have a paying job, and I am looking at an early discharge from parole. All of this due to God’s grace and the very special people from the Rescue Mission who have helped and supported me. I cannot thank God enough for watching over me and sending people my way who have had my best interest in mind.