Following their years of service in Alaska as missionaries, Tom and Letitia Miller moved to Merced. They brought with them their heartfelt desire to help people. They saw the need around them and took the little they had to reach out and make a difference. Their act of faith reminds me of the young boy who offered up his lunch of five small loaves and two fish and gave them to Jesus. Jesus took that young boy’s lunch, prayed over it, and distributed it out to the men, women, and children on the hillside, and over 5,000 people were fed. When everyone had finished eating, Jesus’ disciples picked up 12 baskets of food that were left over. From these humble beginnings, rooted in faith, the Mission has grown into a flourishing tree with branches that represent the Mission’s eight programs designed to meet people where they are.
The tree provides a visual image of the growth of the Mission. Each branch depicts one of our programs and its development. It is important that the Mission works in coordination as one tree, with each branch (or program) playing a distinct role in helping people and providing hope.
In keeping with Tom and Letitia Miller’s heartfelt desire to help people, the Mission continues to reach out to provide hope to people in need.
Click here to visit our programs page and learn more.