2022 Impact and Accomplishments

214 men and women housed in 2022

34 men and women made a commitment to Christ

827 individual lives touched by Mission programs

Meals Served

328,500/year 2022

196,450/year 2021

160,000/year 2020

Nights of Shelter

109,500/year 2022

79,200/year 2021

68,027/year 2020

300 men and women currently in our programs. Please pray for more changed lives!

From hopeless to hopeful, the numbers tell the story

A message from CEO, Dr. Bruce Metcalf

God has done amazing work among us, and we are excited to share some numbers with you that proclaim the great things that He has done!

In 2016, just 7 years ago, the Mission was in a 100-year-old three-story building on Canal Street. When the building was condemned, the Mission found itself homeless. Can you imagine a homeless Rescue Mission? Where would we go? What would we do? Thankfully, Christian Life Center took us in, and Pastor Caesar, who was Youth Pastor at the time, gave up his youth room so 20 men could sleep on mattresses on the floor.

The Mission, not knowing what else to do, started renting houses for our programs. The ministry expanded and more houses were rented. In 2021 a 75-bed Navigation Center for people coming from the street was opened. Phase I of the new Village of Hope campus was built and opened in 2022 to take in families with young children, veterans, and people coming from the hospital to recuperate. During the last 7 years, our facilities have tremendously expanded and our programs have grown from 30 people to over 300. Wow! Consider what God is doing among us. The numbers give you a glimpse of what is happening! Thanks for your caring, your prayers, and your giving!

LOOKING TO THE FUTURE — The Mission is receiving gifts and contributions to complete our Village of Hope Campus -- Phase II. The impact when completed will be to provide more space and more opportunities to transform lives. Currently, the Mission has an ongoing waiting list for entering our Hope for Men and Women program. Unfortunately, people who are ready and waiting to enter the program, but are put on a waiting list, often fall back into old habits and relapse while they wait. Expanding our facilities will help the Mission reduce this waiting list. In addition, it will be possible for women with children to participate in the Hope for Women program, A place for homeless pregnant women will also be created. Completing our Village of Hope Campus -- Phase II will meet all these needs.

Your help is needed. Every gift, no matter what the size, is important and will help save lives!