In March of 2022 the Mission opened its doors to three facilities on the Village of Hope campus. Two of the facilities are buildings with ten apartments each. One building is for unhoused families with young children, and the other building is for unhoused veterans. The apartments in the Hope for Families and Hope for Veterans buildings are each 600 square feet one-bedroom apartments with a full kitchen. Each building also has laundry facilities. The Hope for Veterans apartments filled up within a week of opening, and the Hope for Families apartments were filled within a few weeks. These facilities have operated at capacity throughout the three years since opening and have provided a home for many families and veterans.
The third facility, Hope Respite Care, is a building with 32 beds for unhoused people being discharged from the hospital who need recuperative care. During the first year in the new facility, Hope Respite Care operated at between half and three quarters capacity. Since that time, it has operated from near to full capacity, even having to turn down people at times who were in need of care. During the three years of operation on the Village of Hope campus, Hope Respite Care has served hundreds of people who have received loving care while regaining their strength.
With the need for more capacity, the Mission is planning to break ground on the next phase of the campus. Originally, the plan was to use the open two acres of our campus to build our Hope for Men and Hope for Women faith-based facilities, but there was a pressing need to expand our Hope Respite Care facilities and provide more housing in this area. We are now in the process of acquiring land adjacent to the campus where we can build the facilities for the Hope for Men and Hope for Women programs.
This summer we will break ground for an expansion which will provide a second 32-bed facility for post-hospitalization care and 40 studio apartments. Half of the studio apartments will provide housing for those coming through recuperative care and post-hospitalization care. The other half of the studio apartments will provide housing for a portion of our Transition to Hope program. This is a great undertaking, and we hope to have the project completed by the fall of 2026. We are grateful for grants from Central California Alliance for Health and Central Valley Opportunity Fund which have made this project possible.
The Village of Hope campus has given the Mission the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of many people. People’s lives have been changed, and healing has taken place and continues to take place. The core of the Mission’s work and ministry continues to be the Hope for Men and Women programs which centers on life transformation through Jesus Christ. The Village of Hope campus will not be complete without building facilities to expand these ministries. We are excited about the opportunities and possibilities that God has provided. Please continue to pray for the Mission as we move forward on the path that God has placed before us, and we thank you for your generous contributions which go completely to fund these faith-based ministries.