Now through December 18
Merced County Rescue Mission's Annual Holiday Food Drive
Please join us in collecting canned goods and non-perishable food to help us feed low-income families and the unhoused. Food from this drive provides food for Mission programs throughout the year and provides a traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner for 1,000+ people at our holiday banquets.
Most needed items for our banquets - Stuffing mix, large cans of cranberries, #10 cans of corn, and #10 cans of green beans. All non-perishable food donated is appreciated!
Collection site - Merced County Rescue Mission office, 644 W 20th Street, Merced.
If you are a business or a church interested in helping us collect non-perishable food, please call Anthony Choza, 209-947-8493 to arrange a barrel at your location.