A Collaborative Effort, Funded by the Central Valey Opportunity Fund
The Homeless Court Program (HCP) is a program to help people experiencing homelessness who have been charged with a misdemeanor or who have received fines. A generous grant from the Central Valley Opportunity Fund to the Mission made this program a reality. Jim Romig, the HCP program coordinator, helps people overcome barriers that prevent them from moving forward in their lives as they try to get jobs and housing. It benefits both the County of Merced and the participants in the HCP. In the first six months of the program, participants have given well over 3,000 hours, by attending life-skill classes and providing community service. Over $97,000 in old fines have been dismissed and 54 have graduated and are now upstanding, tax-paying citzens.
Graduates of the Homeless Court have been strapped with fines, some totaling a great deal and some minimal, but all burdensome. Many of these cases and fines have been unresolved for years. These fines, a result of past bad choices, have kept many of these people in a hopeless condition for far too long. By offering this program, these cases and fines can be resolved, providing participants with an opportunity to choose a better way of life, with many becoming employed for the first time in years.
In addition to resolving or dismissing old cases, the Homeless Court program continues to encourage people to make better choices and use available resources to help them move forward toward a better life. As a result, many people have been able to improve their lives. Some people have participated in programs, such as those available through the Merced County Rescue Mission, where they have attended classes, successfully completed the curriculum presented, and worked to serve our community for hours without pay. Their compensation came in the form of a reduction or dismissal of the fines they’ve owed the court, some for years. Many have come out of their addictions and are now employed, including some who are working for the Mission. After being helped themselves, many graduates desire to then help others who are homeless. These are the success stories that will have a long-term effect on curbing homelessness.
With Merced County’s investment in the Homeless Court program comes the anticipation of a return on that investment (ROI). The ROI first comes in the form of changed lives. People who have been homeless and weighed down with fines have now been able to work in programs and perform community service to have their fines reduced or dismissed. They have been freed to move their lives forward in a more positive direction, feel better about themselves, and have the confidence needed to find employment. The participants are given hope for a better life, and with that, comes the ability to dream and make goals that will lead to a better future for them, their families, their communities, and Merced County. As a result, the second ROI comes in the form of taxes paid by people who are now employed. The Homeless Court program is a Win-Win for both Merced County as a whole and for all who can participate to find hope and a fresh start in life. We would like to thank the Central Valley Opportunity Fund for making this program possible.
Homeless Court is a pathway to HOPE.
Click on the images below to read the stories of individuals whose lives have been changed.
Jim Romig, Homeless Court Navigator, Merced County Rescue Mission