How the Thanksgiving Banquet Got Its Start

Chuck Herman served for many years in the military, including time in Vietnam. He then worked for many years in real estate here in Merced. In 1987, having enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, Chuck and his wife, Titika, were watching television when a program came on telling of all the needy people who did not have the means to have a Thanksgiving dinner. Chuck and Titika decided that they could do something to help people in need. They began preparing, and at Thanksgiving the next year, they began serving a sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings to people in need in Merced. People asked them if they were with a church or another organization, but it was just the two of them together with some friends who came on board to help. The Thanksgiving dinner for people in need took on its own life, and it seemed there needed to be a name. Two or three years in, Chuck named it the “Thanksgiving Day Dinner for the Needy by Those Who Care.”

The first year of this event, they served about 75 people, and each year they continued to grow. By the 7th and 8th year, they were serving 1,300 people. In about 1996, for health reasons, Chuck and his wife turned this event over to Scott and Mary Camper. The Camper’s continued serving Thanksgiving Dinner to people in need for about 8 more years before turning this event over to the Rescue Mission. The Mission has been glad to be carrying on this great tradition. At the 2022 Thanksgiving Dinner, Chuck was present and was on the serving line dishing up turkey for those who came to enjoy the banquet.

Chuck’s wife, Titika, passed away in July of 2022. In memory of his wife, Chuck contributed a flagpole and flag to the new Village of Hope campus. The veterans living there see the flag as they come out the front door to the Hope for Veterans building. Everyone on the campus is inspired with this new addition. At a special ceremony dedicating the new flagpole and flag, Chuck raised the flag. The flagpole also served as a focal point as we remembered the life of one of the veterans who had been living on campus since March and who recently passed away. As a Mission, we would like to thank Chuck for his service to our country and for his commitment and service to our community.