Road Trip Fellowship

On September 8th, the HOPE for Men program participants was excited to spend the day at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. They were able to fellowship and enjoy the day under the sun. While some of the men headed straight for the water, others were thrilled to just walk in the sand and leave a footprint or two.

The men enjoyed leisure time and then gathered for lunch. After a prayer for the food, everyone humbly enjoyed their sandwiches and chips. They were eager to start a game of volleyball, so they divided into two teams. Although their competitiveness was clearly seen, it was genuinely nice to see them trust one another and their brotherhood as they played.

The time flew by, and it was soon time to return to Merced. The conversations that took place during the car ride home, confirmed how much they enjoyed their time of fellowship with one another.

While in our HOPE for Men and Women program, participants have many opportunities to experience fellowship, wherever they may be. These road trips are in addition to daily devotions, four Bible Studies per week, 10 hours of community service per week, 12 hours of classes per week, Celebrate Recovery and church!

Thank you for keeping our HOPE for Men and Women program going strong throughout the year! You are changing the lives of many men and women in Merced County.