As human beings who not only believe in God but also have a personal relationship with God through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, it is a privilege to live in a state of gratitude for all that God provides. To state the obvious, we have gratitude to God for life, for breath, for essential provisions which include food and shelter, and for loving relationships. Unfortunately, many of the people served by the Mission do not have essential provisions and they are lacking loving relationships. We have been called to love, to provide HOPE, and to serve people who have great needs. As a Mission, it is our opportunity to reach out to people, empowered by the gratitude that wells up within us, and love those who are unloved, give HOPE to the hopeless, and serve those who feel undeserving.

Gratitude is a state of being and is a wonderful gift that we have received. It is a gift, not to be selfishly grasped, but one to be shared. You as our donors have received a full measure of gratitude and you have chosen to share it with others. Your gratitude expressed through your giving to the Mission has been a catalyst for change in the lives of countless men and women who have come to know Jesus Christ for themselves. These men and women, in turn, have expressed their own gratitude to others, which has created a positive environment that is infectious. The Mission is grateful to all our donors and we want to thank you for all that you are doing to change lives! The work of the Mission is yours and we are so grateful for the partnership we share.

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