Field of Honor, An Honor to Help

Since the Merced Field of Honor’s inception ten years ago, the Merced County Rescue Mission has been honored to help set up and take down this beautiful display of flags. This year, approximately 2,000 flags are waving in honor of those who defend our country and community through military service and as first responders. Joining the Merced Sunrise Rotary who sponsor and put on the Field of Honor, men and women from the Hope for Men and Women's program came out in force to pound stakes, carry flags, and put them in place to create the Field of Honor that we have all enjoyed. Merced Sunrise Rotary is holding a Field of Honor at Merced College from November 5 -12, 2022.

On an annual basis, our community has rallied together to make this a memorable event. The Merced County Rescue Mission would like to thank the Merced Sunrise Rotary for allowing us to participate in this beautiful event. We would also like to thank Joseph Gallo Farms and all those who contribute to underwrite the Field of Honor. It is a privilege to work together!