Village of Hope, New Campus Update: Phase 1 & 2

Phase 1, New Campus Update

The first phase of the Village of Hope campus will be a wonderful addition to our county where homeless families, veterans, and people recovering from hospitalization will find love, hope, and a home. As we have previously reported, the first phase is nearing completion. We hope to bring in residents before the end of this month. At the beginning of December, David Carr, our Chief Operating Officer, and Anthony Choza, our Operations Manager, flew to Tennessee, where they rented a truck and loaded up our purchase of beds, mattresses, wardrobes, and dressers and spent the next three days driving across the country. Upon arrival in Merced, men from our Hope for Men program helped unload. This trip saved about three thousand dollars in shipping. We are so grateful to so many of you, individuals, churches, organizations, and businesses who have generously contributed to furnishing the new facilities.

Phase 2, New Campus Update

While we are excited about the completion of the first phase of the Village of Hope, phase 2 will provide space for our faith-based programs which are the core of who we are as the Merced Rescue Mission. Phase 2 will allow us to almost double the number of men and women whose lives will be transformed through the power of Jesus Christ. Fundraising is underway to raise 7 to 8 million dollars for this dream to become a reality. We hope that in just a few years we can reach out to you once again to furnish facilities for phase 2.

To contribute to the construction of phase 2, choose Building Hope Campaign as your gift designation at the time of your donation.