Staff Relationships - A Summer BBQ

Relationships are a key ingredient to staff development and staff morale. On Sunday, August 15th, the staff from the Mission put together an all-day BBQ at Yosemite Lake and invited all their families. The Mission staff just likes being together. In many ways, the staff at the Mission is like a big family. On Wednesday mornings a group of twenty or more staff members get together for Bible study and prayer. Other group Bible studies are taking place. But the staff certainly does enjoy getting together to eat and to play. The menu included barbequed and teriyaki chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, tamales, and all kinds of salads and side dishes and desserts. Not only was there plenty of fellowship, some braver souls tried kayaking, others tried their hand at horse-shoes. A portion of the afternoon gave recognition to time spent free from alcohol and drugs and this ranged from one month to 27 years. The day was a blessing and relationships deepened. As we think about staff development and the positive morale that exists in the work-place at the Mission, we want to keep pouring the love of Jesus into each other so that we can in turn share Christ’s love with the people we serve.