Managing Hope for Women

Hello, my name is Misty. I have been working at the Merced County Rescue Mission since February 2020. During my assignment here at the Mission, I was gifted with the opportunity to become the Program Manager for the Hope for Women faith-based, life transformation program. Since accepting this new assignment, I have experienced many challenges and many more joys!

I will have been in Recovery and Re-dedicated to Christ for over 15 years as of October 11, 2021. Managing at Hope for Women is truly the desire of my heart that only the Lord could have placed there and been so gracious to allow me to minister in this way. I have seen the Holy Spirit move in mighty ways: deliverance, healing hearts, love that conquers all, second chances at motherhood, women attending universities and colleges, physical health regained, mental health restored, and the greatest gift of all - a truly intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, the way, the truth, and the life!

Some of the challenges we are facing now is the overflow of women who want to enter. We are full and may overflow soon, Lord willing. The challenge for me is to make sure that the services received in this program are of excellent quality. Jesus knows we need willing and skilled hands and feet! This requires financial means to support this ministry. God is a way-maker, I know this for sure!

Ephesians 3:20 - Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.

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