Help us furnish the new Village of Hope campus!

We are excited and grateful to be receiving offers to help furnish the new campus. Gateway Community Church is working to furnish four lounges. Winton-Ireland Insurance Company is helping to provide furnishings. A number of individuals have also stepped forward to provide funding for this special project. There are still plenty of rooms that need sponsors and there is room for you to participate. Get creative! You can help as an individual, a family, a group of friends, a club, a church, or a business. There are many ways you can help us furnish the new Village of Hope campus, which will provide a place for families and veterans experiencing homelessness as well as those who are discharged from the hospital with no place to go. This is an opportunity for you to furnish a room in honor or in memory of a loved one as an ongoing tribute to them. Click here for more details.

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