Virtual Oasis Fundraiser - Update

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Greetings from all of us at the Merced County Rescue Mission!  In the midst of these difficult times, we are all having to find new ways of doing things. While travel restrictions and recommendations to stay at home are having a profound effect on our daily lives, God is also still working in the lives of the men and women in our programs. Together with you, the participants in the Rescue Mission programs are sheltering in place, and as they do, they are able to continue their classes virtually through Zoom to continue their journeys toward genuine life transformation. The work the Rescue Mission is doing with your help is now more critical than ever. We want to remind you that in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic, we had to cancel our Oasis Dinner, which is our annual fundraising event to raise the funding needed to see us through the lean summer months. We are disappointed that we will not have the opportunity to see you face to face this year, but the good news is that you are invited to join us for our VIRTUAL OASIS FUNDRAISER starting on SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2020. 

This year at our Oasis Dinner we were looking forward to sharing with you how through the vision of Tom and Leticia Miller the Rescue Mission opened its doors to people in need in 1991. We would have shared how God brought us through the loss of our building on Canal Street in 2017, and our journey to the present with 20 locations. We were excited to tell you about the development that will soon be taking place on our new five-acre campus on Cone Avenue. God is doing great things and lives are being changed and YOU are an important part of this work!

Our goal and need is to raise $80,000 at our VIRTUAL OASIS FUNDRAISER. Along with the opportunity to donate directly, we will be having an ONLINE AUCTION and FUND THE NEED that you will not want to miss. In addition to our generous sponsors, and the 100% participation of our MCRM Board, the Central Valley Opportunity Fund has offered a matching challenge gift of up to $40,000.

Do not miss this opportunity to participate in this effort to reach our $80,000 goal to help those in need and transform lives in the coming months. If donations surpass the $80,000 goal, additional funds will be divided equally between Life-Line and the construction of the building for homeless pregnant women on our new Village of Hope campus. Every donation you make will be doubled up to $40,000.

Please mark your calendar so you do not miss our VIRTUAL OASIS FUNDRAISER – ONLINE AUCTION and FUND THE NEED.  On Saturday, May 16 through Sunday May 31, you will be able to participate by going to our website and clicking on the Virtual Oasis Fundraiser link along the top.  On May 16th, a link to enter the event and set up your bid number will go live on our Virtual Oasis Fundraiser page. It will be active through Sunday, May 31, to allow people to participate during this time frame.  Further information and details will also be provided on the page on May 16.

If you have an item to donate for the auction, please contact Bruce Metcalf, or (209) 480-3899.

The Mission looks forward to your participation in this great upcoming event!

By Dr. Bruce Metcalf, MCRM Executive Director