Oasis Dinner 2020 - Stay tuned for information about our upcoming virtual Oasis event!

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The Rescue Mission’s Oasis Dinner is just over two months away! Please mark your calendars and plan to be with us on Saturday, May 9th, at Gateway Community Church. Be sure to come for the great appetizers and the sumptuous dinner. Look forward to the treasures you will find on the silent auction tables. Of course, the live auction will present you with some fabulous opportunities as well. Above all, you certainly won’t want to miss the briefing on the incredible things God has been doing through the Mission during this past year and the vision that lies before us. YOU have been a part of all the great things that have been accomplished, and YOU have contributed through your prayers and gifts to many lives that have been transformed. We look forward to sharing with you a wonderful evening of celebration and anticipation of God’s great work!

For tickets call Bruce Metcalf at (209) 480-3899, or email bmetcalf@missionmerced.org.