Apartments - Village of Hope Campus
Hope for Families is a transitional housing program designed for families experiencing homelessness. This provides a safe, supportive living environment while offering the opportunity to build a base for future independence. Hope for Families works in conjunction with the Human Services Agency, identifying families that are homeless and need a safe, structured environment. This provides parents with the opportunity to reunify with their children while working on long-term stable permanent housing.
Our Hope for Families location on our Village of Hope campus is friendly and welcoming. Through case management, we work with families to help them identify potential permanent housing and employment.
The Mission has a limited number of houses that provide permanent supportive housing for families with young children. To inquire about this program, contact our Service Coordinator, Jennifer Sherar, (209) 230-1491.

Individualized case management
Care coordination for participants’ needs
Communications with care providers
Discharge planning and housing navigation
Case management focused on housing and employment
The key to case management is an emphasis on developing the individual’s ability to meet his/her own self-care needs and skills that are essential following discharge from Hope for Families.